Tag Archives: prize

Win a set of Bandiola Spice products

Win a set of Bandiola Spice products and spice up your meals!

Enter by subscribing to my blog and your name will be added to the draw which will take place on Monday, February 28th 2011.

Please take a few moments to learn about what makes each of these unique blends the perfect compliment to your favorite recipes. Regardless of your preferred cooking method, Bandiola has an enhancement to make your creation that much more memorable.

Bandiola Spice uses only the finest ingredients and meets standards of taste and purity. Not a single Bandiola product contains any preservatives nor MSG.

To purchase Bandiola Spices take a look at the locations that are listed on the company’s website or email Michael Gochnour at mike@bandiolaspice.com.


Filed under Events, Gastronomy