Tag Archives: TV Cocina

My Love for Cooking

I have always been passionate about Food and Wine, a beautiful table setting, hosting events, cookware and pretty much everything related to cooking and the dining world. Besides enjoying the act cooking, it is something which makes me feel closer to my family as it brings great memories of my childhood, time at home and my mom’s amazing cooking skills which I like to think she has passed on to me. Everything I know about cooking is thanks to her.

I have recently joined social networks and Facebook groups which are dedicated to Food and Wine, and I have participated actively most of all on the culinary ones. I have created recipes that decided to share and have been happily surprised with the feedback so I have committed myself to do it more frequent.

One of my recent creations is a salad which in honor of a delightful group of friends I have called, Epicure Salad. Baby spinach, strawberries, pecan nuts and vinaigrette that I describe as a silky smooth reduction of Balsamic vinegar with a raspberry touch.

For the recipe in English and Spanish please visit the Network where I have shared it step by step. You can also take a look at the recipe in Spanish in VinoGourmetbook and TVCocina , where it was featured.



Filed under Gastronomy, Recipes, Wine